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[ Youth With A Mission Heidebeek - Our Anthem ]

We are a radical community, living for something greater. Heidebeek is a thin place—where heaven touches earth, and God's presence changes everything.

We are an apostolic movement, called to carry the gospel to the nations and live out the Great Commission. Here, discipleship is more than a class—it’s a lifestyle. We don’t just learn; we’re trained, equipped and sent with purpose and fire.

We are here to ignite a generation, raise up leaders and be the change the world is waiting for.

We are radical.
We are apostolic.
We are a movement.
Let’s go.


Jeremy Bos

Ministry/Job: Graphic designer at YWAM Heidebeek

The DTS was a great time to get to know God much better and to explore how He wants to use me. After that I did the Bible for Life and received a love for His Word. By that time Heidebeek became a place for me where I wanted to stay and serve in missions.

Nadine de Vos - de Goede

Ministry/Job: Teamleader Arise (4M Netherlands)

I did my DTS in 2008, when I just became a believer. From a church-going person, Jesus changed my life. And I quit my job, moved out and wanted to know all about this Jesus. So decided to do a DTS. The DTS was a safe playground for me to learn about the Kingdom Culture by living in this community of believers and study the Bible daily.

Linda Courtz

Youth leader of The Vine, mentor to younger girls, content creator.

The DTS had a impact on me by helping me find my identity in God, learning how to have a relationship with God and to work together with Him, finding my worth in God instead of the things I do. Outreach and helping others in their journey to get to know God better, is something I discovered that I really like to do.

Gertrude Boon

Mobilization director The Send, YWAM NL leadership team, Speaker

"The Lord called me and my husband to join the mission full-time with two words: 'Discipleship' and 'I have called you not to build houses but to build people.' We knew we had to leave our jobs and join YWAM. The DTS shaped us profoundly, allowing us to see firsthand that Jesus is the answer for all nations. Personally, it felt like a time of 'heart surgery,' preparing us to serve from a place of surrender and joy—and it absolutely is!"